Karlheinz Seidl
Klinikum Ingolstadt GmbH
Karlheinz Seidl is a Chief. Div. Of Clinical Electrophysilogy at the Dept. of Cardiology and Head of the Medical Clinic IV, Director of Cardiology/Electrophysiology at Heart Center Ludwigshafen, Germany. He did his Medical school and Hospitation at the University of Heidelberg, Köln, Perth and Sydney during 1980-87. And also he did his Medical Diploma at the University of Heidelberg, Internship, residency and research fellow at the Heart Center Ludwigshafen during 1987 – 1994. He is a Member of Nukleus of Clusters Rhythmologie of German society for Cardiology, Working group, Heart pacemaker and Arrhythmie during 2003-2009. And also he acted as a Head of the Div. Clinical Elekctophysiology at the Dept of Cardiology Heart Center Ludwigshafen during 1994 – 2007.
Research Interest